Managing Osteoporosis And Preventing Fractures In Elderly Sufferers With Physiotherapy

Developing osteoporosis in old age is far from an inevitability, but for those that do, life need not be drastically changed by its presence. With a combination of the right medications, a healthy lifestyle, and physiotherapy, elderly sufferers can retain their physical mobility and independence. Physiotherapy in particular can also be remarkably helpful for sufferers who end up suffering the dreaded hip and vertebral fractures that many assume means an end to unassisted living. Read More 

3 Powerful Foods that will Protect your Prostate

With prostate cancer being one of the most common cancers found in men, it goes without saying how important good prostate health is (particularly later in life). While it is incredibly important to get regular medical check-ups (especially if you're over the age of 50), you should still do as much as possible in your day-to-day life to help prevent the possibility of developing cancer. Fortunately, there are a number of incredibly potent foods that contain a number of health benefits, including the ability to boost your prostate health, which is huge in the prevention of cancer. Read More 

What to Expect from a Visit to an Osteopath

If you are experiencing pain in your joints, ligaments, and muscles, your doctor may recommend various types of natural therapies rather than addictive pain killers or surgery. One of the recommendations may be that you visit an osteopath. This is a person who specializes in treating problems with muscles, joints, and ligaments using certain movements designed to treat the tissues and relieve pain. There are many conditions that are treated by osteopaths, including back, shoulder, and knee pain, as well as headaches, digestive problems, and even sinusitis. Read More 

Don’t Avoid What Can Help You: Pap Smears Explained

A Pap smear is a test that's used to screen women for cervical cancer. The test is carried out by a GP or nurse at your local medical centre and can detect abnormal cervical cells. Women should have a Pap smear every two years, and although you may find the test a little embarrassing you may feel reassured to learn that 90% of cervical cancers can be prevented when abnormal cervical cells are detected early enough. Read More 

Services Offered By Private Medical Clinics

If you've moved from the big city to a smaller municipality, and you are trying to ensure that you and your family can maintain an acceptable level of health care, you may want to look into a private clinic. Unlike public hospitals and urgent care centers which are financed by the government and provide free care, private clinics do require that you bear the costs, but nearly all of them accept medical insurance to offset many of your out of pocket expenses. Read More